Freakish is an American television horror series that premiered on October 10, 2016 on Hulu. The series features several high-profile social media stars and celebrities--including Liza Koshy, Hayes Grier, Meghan Rienks, Niki DeMartino, Leo Howard, and Aislinn Paul--and focuses on a group of high-school students who are trapped inside their school when a nearby chemical plant explodes, resulting in residents and other infected students turning into mutated freaks. A second season premiered on October 18, 2017.
Video Freakish (TV series)
Plot summary
The series follows a group of students who gather for school detention on a Saturday at Kent High. Other students are on campus as well, but involved in various activities (basketball, debate prep, music, etc.). When a nearby chemical plant explodes, they must work together to find a way to survive with only limited resources and protect themselves from those who have turned into freakish zombie-like creatures as a result of the fallout.
Maps Freakish (TV series)
- Leo Howard as Grover Jones
- Liza Koshy as Violet Adams
- Adam Hicks as Diesel Turner
- Aislinn Paul as Natalie Callaway (season 1)
- Meghan Rienks as Zoe Parker
- Melvin Gregg as Lashawn Deveraux
- Tyler Chase as Barrett McIntyre
- Mary Mouser as Mary Jones (season 1)
- Alex Ozerov as Lyle (season 1)
- Hayes Grier as Noodle Nelson (season 1)
- Chad L. Coleman as Coach (season 1)
- Niki DeMartino as Sadie (season 2)
- Saxon Sharbino as Anka Keller (season 2)
- Amanda Steele as Hailey (season 2)
- Jake Busey as Earl (season 2)
- Chad Michael Collins as John Collins (season 1)
- Olivia Gonzales as Addy (season 1)
- Brant Daugherty as Jake (season 2)
- Tati Gabrielle as Birdie (season 2)
- Ryan McCartan as Oliver Keller (season 2)
- Jordan Calloway as Zane Hiatt (season 2)
- Joy Osmanski as Felicity (season 2)
- Arden Cho as Tonya (season 2)
- Caitlin Carver as Elise (season 2)
- Raushanah Simmons as Poe (season 2)
Development and production
Described as "The Walking Dead meets The Breakfast Club", Freakish is produced by AwesomenessTV and was created by Beth Szymkowski. Hulu acquired exclusive streaming rights during production of the program.
On May 1, 2017, Hulu renewed the series for a second season. The second season consisted of 10 episodes and premiered on October 18, 2017.
Season 1 (2016)
Season 2 (2017)
Sonia Saraiya writing for Variety called the show "a silly, lightweight half-hour, somewhere between horror thriller and teen soap" and ultimately said "The show never quite becomes interesting enough to transcend either the dully predictable beats of zombie horror or the plodding angst of young adulthood." Neil Genzlinger for The New York Times said of the show "Here in the age of zombie TV, lots about 'Freakish' seems familiar, but with the episodes shorter than a half-hour each, the series goes down easily."
Awards and nominations
External links
- Freakish on IMDb
- Freakish at Rotten Tomatoes
Source of the article : Wikipedia